Securing your organization’s assets and information from external threats can be a balancing act for a firewall. Configured incorrectly, beneficial traffic may be blocked while harmful traffic is allowed to infiltrate your network. ComsysIT’s IT security experts assess, design, and implement a proper next-generation firewall environment, while allowing for the evolution of growth and changing workflow and processes

Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware
ComsysIT’s experts design the best solution to manage, monitor, and respond to cyber threats utilizing a multi-layered security approach. A robust security strategy includes scanning all inbound and outbound e-mail, HTTP & FTP traffic by blocking suspect data before it enters or leaves your environment. With spyware, ransomware, and bot attacks on the rise, keeping up with current threats and ensuring network and equipment protection is a challenge. Our IT security experts do it all for you.
Security Assessments
Whether you are a new business with IT startup needs or an established organization of any size, ComsysIT’s certified engineers review the state of your current security structure by:
• assessing your current protection measures;
• identifying and prioritizing your system or asset(s);
• determining potential threats and diagnosing vulnerabilities; and
• understanding compliance needs and identifying gaps

The SoC
The sole purpose of our SoC (Security operations Center) is to monitor possible attacks on our customers’ networks. They monitor alarms and look for abnormalities in your network access.This is a very unique department with a sole purpose of maintaining network integrity.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Cybersecurity Scores
A Cybersecurity Score identifies critical vulnerabilities, control gaps/deficiencies, and applicable threats to the security of your organization. The FISASCORE® assessment process can determine the level of security risk for the administrative, physical and technical controls protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in your organization.
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
Protection and Recovery is just the start of a comprehensive cybersecurity plan. To effectively secure your organization from cyber attacks, you need access to a managed security operations center (SOC) and managed detection and response (MDR) services in a cost-effective manner.

Biometrics Facial Recognition
Facial recognition cameras capture a face and turn it into a mathematical representation of the image, which is then measured and matched unique identification and authentication characteristics. Maybe you want to watch for your best clients, or in contrast, the troublemakers – those who you don’t want at your place of business or event. Perhaps your organization needs to cut down on the time and expense of investigations after an incident occurs? Facial recognition can also provide the option for check-ins without showing an ID on each visit, making it ideal for a variety of uses.